Euskal Encounter 12 - BEC Bizkaia 2004 join the family!
Last update: Aug-31-2004

Real Time Battle


  1. psico
  2. vacilon
  3. merlucin

RealTimeBattle is an AI (Artificial Intelligence) style game, where you have to program a Robot to fight against other Robots in a virtual arena. The goal of your program must be to try the Robot to survive all other participant programed Robots.

This project began in august 1998 based on RobotBattle which has been in use for some years now. The problem with RobotBattle was that it only ran on Windows and robots must be programed in a special language, limiting intelligence possibilities. Although RobotBattle has continued its development, it continues to run only in windows. Due to this limitation, it was decided to start a programing game for UNIX, using modern operating system's capabilities.

You can get Real Time Battle and additional documentation and information in Real Time Battle website.

General Rules

  • RTB's release 1.0.5 on GNU/Linux i386 will be used.
  • Robots in any programming language will be admitted.
  • Robot needs to be compiled in Linux ELF (libc6) format. If the Robot is programmed in an interpreted language, the Robot will be given without compiling. In any case, the sources must be attached as well.
  • If a Robot is programmed in an interpreted language, the author must be able to provide the interpreter to be installed.
  • Only one Robot per participant will be admitted.
  • For the competition RTB's default Circle.arena will be used.
  • The competition will be a kind of ligue, that is, every Robot will fight with each other in duel battles.
  • Game Options (gravity, etc) will remain unchanged, with default values.
  • Robots can be presented to compo:
    • Uploading via anonymous FTP (id: anonymous/ftp pass: your email), to party production's server.
    • Using a disquette.
  • Only one tarfile will be given, and it must include: the .robot file, the file_id.diz file and source files. If there is more than one source file, these will be compressed into one. Compression formats admitted: gzip/bzip2/rar/zip/lha/arj/tar. File's name will the same as author's nick, e.g. ziberpunk.tar.gz. In the same way, Robot's file name will be the same as the author's nick.
  • We will be able to see the whole competition in the Video-Wall.
  • The one which achieves the higher puntuation will win. If two or more Robots get the same points, they will fight together and the one which remains with higher live points will win.


Check deadline and compo projection times in party's timetable.


1st150 €
2nd75 €
3rd35 €

If you have any comment or question, contact Ziberpunk.

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SPRI - Sociedad para la Promoción y Reconversión Industrial
BBK - Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa
Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia - Diputación Foral de Bizkaia
GameGune: Euskal Encounter game competition
CPL Summer 2004 Extreme Championship
Euskalamiga Party System 1.2.4

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