Euskal Encounter

BEC Bizkaia 25-28 July 2013
euskaltel fundazioa


Workshop Area 1: Opengune

Thursday 25

Jueves 25
12:00 - Montaje y pintura de miniaturas
16:00 - ADC introducción al protocolo y a la configuración de hubs
Viernes 26
12:00 - ¡Crea una API de tus datos y ofrécela al mundo!
16:00 - Crea tu primera aplicación móvil [APP] multiplataforma sin saber programar
Sábado 27
10:00 - Responsive Web Design. Una forma de crear webs sin trabajar a lo tonto
12:00 - Android Coding Universe
16:00 - Impresoras 3D
18:00 - Fotografía analógica en el mundo digitalThursday 25
  • 12:00 - Montaje y pintura de miniaturas
  • 18:00 - Taller sobre Gadgets y programación de bajo nivel
Friday 26
Saturday 27
  • 10:00 - Responsive Web Design. Una forma de crear webs sin trabajar a lo tonto
  • 16:00 - Impresoras 3D


Workshop Area 2: Enpresa Digitala

Thursday 25

Friday 26

Saturday 27

Sunday 28


*This programme is provisional and is therefore subject to changes that will be duly notified.



Workshop Area 1: Opengune

We will inform you punctually about the workshops that will take place.


Montaje y pintura de miniaturas

danielLanguage: Spanish

Speaker: Daniel Prieto Fortun (frigopie)

Description of the workshop:

Los participantes podrán montar y/o pintar sus miniaturas o escenografias. Se aceptan todo tipo de géneros (warhammer 40000, warhammer fantasy, el señor de los anillos, el hobbit, medieval, militar, etc).

What is the target audience?

Gente que le guste el mundo del modelismo.

Short C.V. of the speaker:

Iniciado en el mundo del modelismo:

• Warhammer fantasy.

• El señor de los anillos.

• El hobbit.

Date: Tuesday, 25th of July, 12:00-13:45

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ADC introduction to the protocol and to hub configuration

klondike1Language: Spanish

Speaker: Francisco Blas Izquierdo Riera (klondike)

Company: ADCH++ Lan and ADC Crypto Workgroup.

Description of the workshop:

This workshop is divided into two parts.

This first part will explain how to configure and personalise a DC hub based on ADCH++ (or ADCH++ Lan) and we will try to write a small script for it.

The  second part will provide a brief overview of how the NMDC and ADC protocols work. This is necessary if you want to programme extensions and scripts in the majority of hubs. We will also try out some of the examples on a real hub to gain more experience.

What is the target audience?

The different parts of the workshop have different target audiences. To learn to configure an ADCH++ server, you just need to have basic administrator know-how of UNIX type systems, for example, Linux. You will need to be able to write code in Lua for the part where you will program your own script. Finally, basic knowledge of networks is needed for the protocol functioning part.

Short C.V. of the speaker:

Klondike has years of experience in setting up  Direct Connect service both in and outside lan parties. Over time, it has become increasingly more involved in the product and it has set up a cryptography workgroup and the ADCH++ Lan project. A fork in the ADCH++ project focused on its use in lan parties.

Twitter: @klon


Date: Tuesday, 25th of July, 16:00-17:45

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Taller sobre Gadgets y programación de bajo nivel

eaut1Language: Spanish

Speaker: Eñaut Muxika

CompanyMondragon Unibertsitatea – Goi Eskola Politeknikoa

Description of the workshop:

Presentación PPT breve:

* Descripción de gadgets hoy en día, y las posibilidades de futuro.

* Tutorial paso a paso de uso de librerías para desarrollo de aplicaciones para sistemas embebidos, basado en placas de evaluación ARM Cortex-M3 de Texas Instruments LM3S8962, compilador Code Composer Studio v5.3 de Texas Instruments y librerías desarrolladas en la Universidad para gráficos, acceso a internet y uso de periféricos variados.

* Comienzo del concurso “tu Gadget particular”

What is the target audience?

A aquellos aficionados a hacerse sus propios dispositivos con conocimientos de programación en lenguaje “C” o “C++”.

La experiencia previa en entornos eclipse también resultará de ayuda.

Short C.V. of the speaker:

Profesor de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de la Universidad de Mondragon, cuenta con 16 años experiencia en el desarrollo de aplicaciones de tiempo real para control de procesos. Ha trabajado en sistemas como el hexápodo para testeo de coches, robot ultraligeros flexibles para manipulación de piezas, controles de eje de máquinas-herramientas, sistemas de comunicación extensas para el testeo y monitorización luces de emergencia, simuladores de redes especializadas y robots filoguiados.


Date: Tuesday, 25th of July, 18:00-19:45

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Create an API of your data and release it for the world!

eduardo1Language: Spanish

Speaker: Eduardo Basterrechea Molina

Company: Molino de Ideas - Apicultur

Description of the workshop:

The goal will be to create a functional API using the data in a database, prepare its documentation and upload it to a platform to disseminate it and for others to use it.

If you have a data source, your API can end up being published.

What is the target audience?

For people with a basic level, with no knowledge of programming. The platform is a visual development platform online and therefore no prior knowledge of programming is required.  However, participants should have some basic knowledge of relational databases.

Short C.V. of the speaker:

I am an engineer who has found language to be sufficiently interesting to embrace it. I do not understand the difference between science and arts, and even though I love mathematics, I believe that language goes beyond its capacity to represent the world.

After striving to create linguistic functions so that anybody can work with the knowledge of language, I have now been focusing on developing greater content and in searching for the way that anybody can make their content available to everyone by means of APIs.

Date: Friday, 26th of July, 12:00-13:45

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Create your first multiplatform mobile application [APP] without knowing how to program

elena1Language: Spanish

Speaker: Elena Álvarez Mellado

Company: Molino de Ideas - Apicultur

Description of the workshop:

The goal will be to develop a mobile application using APIs and the development platform.

The participants will end the workshop with an installed and functional app, at least in developer mode , on their mobile device.

What is the target audience?

For people with a basic level, with no knowledge of programming. The platform is a visual development platform online and therefore no prior knowledge of programming is required.

Short C.V. of the speaker:

Elena is a linguist at Apicultur, where she creates APIs that enable machines to understand how humans speak and express ourselves. She enjoys modelling languages, plumbing with APIs and bringing linguistic technology to everyday life.

Date: Friday, 26th of July, 16:00-17:45

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Responsive Web Design. Una forma de crear webs sin trabajar a lo tonto

enekoLanguage: Spanish

Speaker: Eneko Menica Duprat

Company: Unexpendables

Description of the workshop:

Tienes que crear una web y el cliente quiere que se vea bien en cualquier dispositivo. ¿En cualquiera? ¡En todos!

Y encima con prisas, empiezas a diseñar y maquetar una versión para escritorio, otra para tablet, otra para móvil… espera, ¿para que tamaño de móvil?, ¿Cómo que también la quieres para smartTVs?... mierda, no me da tiempo. Seguro que hay una forma mejor de hacer esto.


Y dirás...

-  "Ya, listo, pero ojalá tuviese tiempo para aprender…"


1-    Conoce Responsive Web Design.

2-    Diseña con una visión global.

3-    Maqueta una sola vez para todos los dispositivos.

Como lo oyes, una web que se verá bien en todos los dispositivos. ¿No te lo crees? Pásate por el taller y te enseñaré como hacerlo.

What is the target audience?

Diseñadores web y desarrolladores de frontend cansados de tener que maquetar mil veces la misma web para mil dispositivos diferentes.

Short C.V. of the speaker:

Soy un desarrollador de software de Bilbao especializado en Frontend pero con amplios conocimientos sobre el mundo del Backend, por lo cual me suele tocar el marrón de hacer que el ambas partes se entiendan.

En los últimos 13 años me he dedicado a vagabundear por diversas empresas consolidadas como Labein (actual Tecnalia) o Panda Security y alguna startup como Sustainable Reference.

Actualmente formo parte de Unexpendables, un estudio de diseño y estrategia muy centrado en la experiencia de usuario y el desarrollo frontend multi-dispositivo.



Date: Saturday, 28th of July, 10:00-11:45

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Android Coding Universe

txus1Language: Spanish

Speaker: Txus Ballesteros

Description of the workshop:

Practical workshop where you can create an App for Android in a social and collaborative way and there will be a round table to discuss doubts and opinions. You will learn how to create applications that are compatible with all the Smartphones Android screens and not die in the process.

What is the target audience?

Programmers and Designers.




Date: Saturday, 28th of July, 12:00-13:45

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Impresoras 3D

ivanblascoLanguage: Spanish

Speaker: Ivan Blasco

Company: Bilbaomakers

Description of the workshop:

Se explicará en qué consiste la tecnología de impresión 3D, desde el HW necesario (con varias impresoras montadas y funcionando in situ de diferentes modelos) al SW de modelado 3D necesario para crear las piezas.

La primera parte del taller será una explicación de la tecnología y la segunda parte serán ejemplos prácticos de lo que se puede hacer, y potencial futuro.

What is the target audience?

Público general, no iniciado. Se trata de presentar estas nuevas tecnologías a un público general que no tenga conocimientos previos ni en impresión 3D ni en SW.

Short C.V. of the speaker:

Ivan Blasco es el presidente y fundador de Bilbaomakers, la asociación de makers de Bilbao. Es uno de los principales expertos de impresión 3D en el País Vasco, ha coordinado e impartido talleres de impresión 3D en Summerlabs, Gazteatech, Bilbaomakers, etc. Organizador y coordinador de la Maker Faire de Bilbao. Diez años de experiencia como oficial de máquinas de control numérico. Decorador de interiores.

Date: Saturday, 28th of July, 16:00-17:45

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Analogue photography in the digital world

yuri1Language: Spanish

Speaker: Yuri Numerov

Description of the workshop:

Introductory workshop to the world of analogue photography and its processes, from processing the film to developing and enlarging, with practical demonstrations.

What is the target audience?

People interested in traditional or analogue photography, with or without previous experience in photography, films or photochemical processes.

Short C.V. of the speaker:

I am a self-taught photographer/photography enthusiast with over 5 years’ experience.


Twitter: @Achifaifa (


Date: Saturday, 28th of July, 18:00-19:45


Workshop Area 2: Enpresa Digitala

Introduction to Videogame Programming

There are only 40 places available, so if you are interested in participating in the workshop, please register here as soon as possible.

Asier Arranz

Language: Spanish

Lecturer: Asier Arranz

Company: Nebutek

Description of the session:
The course seeks to provide an initial contact with multiple technologies that enable videogames to be developed for different platforms.  There will also be an introduction to the use of external hardware appliances such as Kinect and Leap Motion. There will be practical demonstrations of all the technologies, even though the aim is not to go into any of them in depth, as it is an introductory course.

The course will end with a “Rapid Game Development” session, where the team will be coordinated to develop one or several games in the areas which each student feels is of greatest interest.

What is the target audience?

Anybody interested in videogames, not just programmers.  The session will consider tools that can be use to create complex games without a single line of programming.

Short CV of the speaker:
Adaptable prototype, all-rounder developer, 3D printing and augmented reality enthusiast, inquisitive, co-founder of Nebutek and Hithru (Wayra).



Date: 25, 26, 27 and 28 of July, 10:00-14:00

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10 tips for using Twitter

There are only 40 places available, so if you are interested in participating in the workshop, please register here as soon as possible.

miguelfernandezLanguage: Spanish

Speaker: Miguel Fernández Arrieta

Company: Mondragon Unibertsitatea

Description of the workshop:

Twitter is an information and social network in real time used by millions of people. Every day, thousands of new users sign up to Twitter and begin to tweet with other people and organisations. But, where is the Twitter user manual? How can you build up a community on Twitter? How can companies and organisations use Twitter?

This workshop aims to showcase the possibilities of Twitter for those people who want to discover a (or not so) new way of working and communicating, and how we can apply it in our companies or businesses.

Short C.V. of the speaker:

I am a Telecommunications Engineer and graduated from the Bilbao School of Engineering.

I am a lecturer at the University of Mondragón, where I teach subjects on engineering courses in the field of Telematics and Security.

As part of the University’s continuous training programme (MU Plus), I teach courses to professionals and to industrial associations on Internet marketing in the area of Web 2.0 and the Social Networks. I also lecture on the Mondragon Unibertsitatea post-graduate programme. I am involved in different Master's Courses offered by the University.

What is the target audience?

People who are interested in learning about and using this tool and how to use it in professional environments. No prior experience with Twitter is necessary, but is recommended.


Date: Thursday, 25th of July, 16:00-18:00

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Crea y cuida tu reputación online

There are only 40 places available, so if you are interested in participating in the workshop, please register here as soon as possible.

miguelfernandezLanguage: Spanish

Speaker: Miguel Fernández Arrieta

Company: Mondragon Unibertsitatea

Short C.V. of the speaker:

I am a Telecommunications Engineer and graduated from the Bilbao School of Engineering.

I am a lecturer at the University of Mondragón, where I teach subjects on engineering courses in the field of Telematics and Security.

As part of the University’s continuous training programme (MU Plus), I teach courses to professionals and to industrial associations on Internet marketing in the area of Web 2.0 and the Social Networks. I also lecture on the Mondragon Unibertsitatea post-graduate programme. I am involved in different Master's Courses offered by the University.


Date: Thursday, 25th of July, 18:00-20:00

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Twitter para desarrolladores

There are only 40 places available, so if you are interested in participating in the workshop, please register here as soon as possible.

Language: Spanish

Date: Friday, 26th of July, 16:00-17:45

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Prezi: Achieving different results with different presentations

There are only 40 places available, so if you are interested in participating in the workshop, please register here as soon as possible.

Language: Spanish

Speaker: Daniel Arrilucea

Description of the workshop:

Prezi is a cloud based presentation that opens up a new world between whiteboards and slides. The zoomable canvas makes it very easy to explore ideas and analyse the relations existing between them. The result: visually very attractive presentationS that will captivate your audience.

What is the target audience?

Entrepreneurs, coaches and, in general, any person who frequently has to give presentation in public.

Designers or communication managers who design presentations to back third-party discourse and who want to better understand the process of making a presentation.

Short C.V. of the speaker:

I have worked for over 15 years for computer consultants and Internet service companies. I currently freelance and coach in areas related to the new technologies.


Professional profile:

Personal website:


Date: Saturday, 27th of July, 16:00-19:45

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Euskal 20 - Video

Foro - Últimos comentarios

  • Abrid los foros YA!!! (4)
    Sonos Mon 28 Apr 2014 - 20:23
    pos eso....
  • Preinscri ee22 (21)
    jpo41 Mon 28 Apr 2014 - 19:52
    Chicos tengo unas dudas. En nuestro grupo somos de...
  • Chat del DC (48)
    AMRAK Mon 28 Apr 2014 - 18:21
    Igual es una idea tonta o no se puede hacer, pero ...
  • Cigarrillo electrónico (52)
    Llews Mon 28 Apr 2014 - 13:09
    Pues que como no tengo ni idea de cual va a ser la...
  • Duda inscripcion
    Frigopie Mon 28 Apr 2014 - 10:08
    Es posible que en un grupo solo halla 1 persona? O...
  • Sugerencia para EE22. LIMPIEZA DUCHAS (50)
    tmaniak Thu 24 Apr 2014 - 12:32
    Hola, no se si este tema habrá sido sugerido ya, ...
  • Consultas a la org (1)
    Phosky Wed 23 Apr 2014 - 00:29
    Hola gente... Vuelvo a retomar un tema cuyo hilo ...
  • Sección EE22 (4)
    jeshik82 Tue 22 Apr 2014 - 11:54
    Pq no se saca una pestaña pa la ee d este año y ...
