Euskal Encounter

BEC Bizkaia 25-28 July 2013
euskaltel fundazioa

Open Game Compo

We'll accept entries for any programmable platform. This includes Windows, Mac, Linux, Java, Consoles, Mobile Phones (Android, iPhone, Java ME...), Browsers (Javascript/WebGL/Flash/Unity3D/Silverlight...), 8-bit/16-bit computers, Calculators...

Maximum size: 128 MB uncompressed, using ZIP or TGZ.

The demo might use external libraries, as long as they are in the demo directory. Any theme or game play are allowed.

No data must be written to the hard disk; if need be, files should be written to the system's temp directory and deleted when the entry finishes.

Pressing ESC, the left mouse button (in Amiga) or similar equivalent actions in any other platform must result in the entry exiting instantly. Otherwise the entry will be disqualified.

The entry must run without administrative or superuser privileges.

In the event that there is a huge amount of entries, we might show only the first ten minutes of each one, although they can be longer.

Only one entry per group or author will be allowed.


Main screen projections

During the event different intro and demo projections will be made, including works for retro platforms such as 8bits or AMIGA.

Phase One by Capsule, projected during Euskal 9

Help us in the works projection
Should you wish to helpus with your own works or others’, or what is more, should you like to prepare a projection sesion, do not hesitate and contact us.
