Euskal Encounter

BEC Bizkaia 25-28 July 2013
euskaltel fundazioa


Allowed formats: XM, IT, S3M or XRNS (Renoise).

Maximum size: 2 MB.

Only samples and internal effects will be allowed for XRNS songs. Never VSTis or external plug-ins.

We will use the latest version of Renoise to play the XRNS songs, and the latest version of XMPlay for the rest of songs.

In the event that there is a huge amount of entries, we might show only the first three minutes of each one, although they can be longer.

Only one entry per group or author will be allowed.


Main screen projections

During the event different intro and demo projections will be made, including works for retro platforms such as 8bits or AMIGA.

Phase One by Capsule, projected during Euskal 9

Help us in the works projection
Should you wish to helpus with your own works or others’, or what is more, should you like to prepare a projection sesion, do not hesitate and contact us.
