Euskal Encounter

BEC Bizkaia 25-28 July 2013
euskaltel fundazioa


For the non-conformists, those among you who know a little about everything, for the geekiest, for the hyperactive group or for those night-owls like myself among you, it's time for the FRIKITHLON!

There will be roughly 60 tests, each more difficult or absurd than the previous ones, which will be published on the website at 10.00 a.m. on Thursday. Each test will be given a score depending on its difficult and you will able to opt to go in for the hard ones or otherwise for all the small ones. You strategy is up to you. The ORG reserves the right to award extra points to those tests that it considered to be best prepared or greatest fun.

And at dawn on the third day, look to the East1… Huh! I mean that the entry deadline ends then :p

You don’t have to wait to have finished everything to hand it in, basically because it is designed to be impossible  buahahaha!!! you can upload here. The subject line must be: GYMKHANA – NAME OF THE GROUP – NAME OF THE TEST.

To sign up, just send us an email with your details, name of the group and its members to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , along with how we can contact you in case something comes up. The groups must be a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 7 people (cameraman don't count).




1 Are you really reading this???… well… if only points could be deducted for that xD You have until dawn on Sunday. If you want to know when the sun rises, google.


LipDub - Euskal Encounter 21

Harlem Shake - Euskal Encounter 21
