.- RTB version will be 1.0.4 over LiNUX.

.- Any language is allowed to program the Robots, preferably:

.- C
.- Perl

.- Only ONE robot allowed per participant

.- Robots should be given COMPILED in Linux ELF binary (libc6). If the Robot is programmed in Perl (/usr/bin/perl) or other interpreted language, it must not be compiled.

.- Only ONE robot for each participant.

.- All presented robots must have it's sources included.

.- If the robot is given in a interpreted language, it's creator must be able to give the interpreter to install it in the compo machine. You can also write us to make us know what language you'll be using.

.- No limits with robot size, assummig common sense.

.- The competition will be done in two Arenas:

.- Circular Arena with default RTB.
.- Specific, designed, not standard. No data given.

.- The competition will be a league i.e., each robot will fight against all the other robots (one-on-one) in both arenas; there will be only two robots at a time in the arena (a duel).

.- Options (gravity, etc) will be the default.

.- Robots will be given:

.- By anonymous FTP (id: anonymous/ftp paswd: your e-mail), the IP will be given.
.- By diskette.

.- The file to be given must be one, and must include three files; .robot, file_id.diz and a third file with the source code, if the source file has several files, it should be compressed into a unique file. The format can be gzip/bzip2/rar/zip/lha/arj/tar. The file name will be the same as the authour's handle, e.g.: . The same for the robot file.

.- The whole competition will be able to be followed in the Video-Wall

.- The winner will be the robot with more points.

Non-official themes

.- If there's time, there will be battles of all kind and conditions.