The time period for reservations has finished.

The party ticket gives the right for a place for a computer, power supply (one plug for each computer) and connection to LAN and Internet. It isn't necessary to bring the computer; in such a case no place for computer will be reserved.

Ticket (in the partyplace)...................... 3.000 pesetas (18,03 euros)

There will be tickets for less than 4 days, as well.

In order to reserve a computer place, it is mandatory to do the reservation and to pay before th party.

In the partyplace it would be possible to by t-shirts, pins, and hats.


Click image for full size partyplace map


For those who made a reservation:

Ticket costs 2000 pesetas (12,02 euros). You must do your transfer to this account:

BBK: 2095-0000-70-9102551689
Owner: Asociacion de amigos de la informatica Euskalamiga

BBVA: 0182 0362 29 0010329253
Owner: Euskal Amiga


