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Euskal Encounter 19, the biggest computer party in Spain, covers both the artistic and the technical aspects of video gaming in this year’s conferences
The conferences presented by Reiko Gross, famous Concept Artist and Illustrator, and Chris Smith, well-known expert in ZX Spectrum computers, were amongst the big successes of the second day of the Euskal Encounter. The images and examples of illustrations shown by Gross, where he revealed some of the secrets of art in the video game and film industries, and the expertise of Smith in 8 bit game software and ZX80 and ZX81 Spectrum design, attracted many of the 4.000 participants of the party gathering from last Friday until Monday evening in the enormous BEC (Bilbao Exhibition Centre).

The German illustrator offered the public the chance to see, analyse and understand various elements and tools related to the design and aesthetics of video games and films such us Up and The Lord of the Rings. Gross mentioned and showed some of the steps in the creative process, from the first sketches and silhouettes until the fully developed and designed images created with a combination of different manual and digital techniques: matte painting, photo manipulation or the use of digital images, to mention some of the many tools.

On the technical side of video gaming, the software architect and engineer Chris Smith presented two different conferences related to retrocomputing. In the first speech, Smith explained the evolution of the 8 bit game software in the 80’s, from the very simple code writing present in games such as Pacman to the more complex programming at the end of the decade with examples like Mortal Combat. In the second conference, Smith introduced his new book titled “The ZX Spectrum ULA: How to design a microcomputer” that unravels all details surrounding this ancient machine.