Maximum size: 64 KB (65.536 bytes).
It must be a unique executable. Intros with loose files will not be allowed.
It must run in the compo machine in order to participate. See related section for more information.
Music replay is allowed and recommended.
Although the intro can be longer, only the first 10 minutes will be shown.
The intro should work without being able to write to HD. In case it needs so, the file will be written to the operating system temporary directory.
It must be able to stop the intro with the ESC key, or the left mouse button (only for Amiga), otherwise it will be disqualified.
You may assume that d3dx9_30.dll d3dx9_40.dll libraries will be installed.
msvcr70.dll, msvcr71.dll and msvcr80.dll will NOT be part of the system.
It must run without root (Linux/Mac) or Administrator (Windows) privileges.