Euskal Encounter 14 Coding your life!
Last update: Jan-30-2007
The Automatic Dream by Spöntz, #2 at Euskal Encounter 13 demo compo The Automatic Dream by Spöntz, #2 at Euskal Encounter 13 demo compo

Production delivery

Everyone (people or group) planning to participate in any competition must follow some steps:

  • Compress the production in ZIP or TGZ format. We won't accept RAR or any other format.
  • Fill in the profile available on the party intranet (via user system)
  • Include a file_id.diz file in the ZIP or TGZ archive with info about production.
  • Include a file named "captura.jpg" in the ZIP or TGZ archive with a screenshot in JPEG format and a minimun of 640x480 resolution. (only applies to demos, intros, wilds and 3d anims).

Productions will be presented by uploading them to production's FTP:

Alternatively, if someone has trouble with FTP, it will be possible to present productions directly in control.

Productions that are not in the correct compo directory won't be accepted. Please check that you are uploading the ZIP or TGZ file to the correct directory.

Don't forget to include the license.txt file with the text of the license you want to use in your production.

It's very important to follow these instructions carefully, because it is much easier for the Organization to be informed about the property and owner of each production. Please, make our work easier and the presentation of Final Results will be quicker. Thanks a lot.

Euskaltel: batzen gaituena - lo que nos une


SPRI - Sociedad para la Promoción y Reconversión Industrial
BBK - Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa
Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia - Diputación Foral de Bizkaia
GameGune: Euskal Encounter game competition
Euskalamiga Party System 1.2.4

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