Euskal Encounter 13 join the family!
Last update: Sep-29-2005
This Guay by sOle, #1 at Euskal Encounter 11 This Guay by sOle, #1 at Euskal Encounter 11

Wild compo

  • Allowed formats: MPEG and DIVX, if it is a video.
  • Only one production per group or author is allowed.
  • The length is free, but maybe only the first 3 minutes will be shown due to time constraints.
  • Productions must be submited using the productions FTP or giving a CD-ROM in control.
  • What type of production can you present here? Well, all you can imagine and can't put in other compos. For example: Human Demos, C64, Playstation or Flash demos, etc. There's only one rule: it must be related to the Demoscene area or be something creative.
Euskaltel: batzen gaituena - lo que nos une


SPRI - Sociedad para la Promoción y Reconversión Industrial
BBK - Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa
Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia - Diputación Foral de Bizkaia
GameGune: Euskal Encounter game competition
Euskalamiga Party System 1.2.4

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