Euskal Encounter 13 join the family!
Last update: Sep-29-2005

High quality music

  • Allowed format: Ogg Vorbis (if possible) or otherwise MP3.
  • Only one song per author is allowed.
  • The song's length is free, but maybe only the first 3 minutes will be played due to time constraints.
  • In order to participate in this competition, the authors must have available two types of WAV files of the song. The first must contain only the base rithm of the song, and the second the melody and the accompaniment (and the voices if necessary), without the base rithm. If anyone doesn't have all it will be disqualified.
  • Versions of commercial songs are not allowed. Songs must be made by their authors.
Euskaltel: batzen gaituena - lo que nos une


SPRI - Sociedad para la Promoción y Reconversión Industrial
BBK - Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa
Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia - Diputación Foral de Bizkaia
GameGune: Euskal Encounter game competition
Euskalamiga Party System 1.2.4

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