Euskal Enkounter 15






The BAR BEC! Café will be in pabillion 5 and its terrace will reamain open 24 hours a day starting on Thursday 19 in the afternoon until Monday 23.


Location will be at the end of pabilion 5, just behind the big screens, access will be signaled and this is the offer you will have there.


Hot sandwiches:

Loin, cheese and peppers

Bacon & cheese



Mixed grills



Spaghetti Boloñesa

Tagliatelle Carbonara

Steak lasaña with bechamel

Tuna caneloni with con bechamel


Ham sandwich
Omelette sandwich
Vegetal sandwich

Mixed salads
Snacks: chips, chocolates,
Drinking Yogurt

Home made desserts

Soft drinks, water, non-alcohol beer, juice, energetic drinks, coffee, brews...


Pay attention to the presents and free menus to be announced from BAR BEC! In pabilion 5 every day.


Do come to the BAR BEC! Café for breakfast, lunch, dinner


Eitb(logo) Diputación Foral de Biskaia (logo) BBK (logo) Spri (logo) Euskaltel (logo)